Taking over the forever vacant old Subway store on 9th Ave between 52nd & 53rd, Poulette – “the first French-inspired rotisserie chicken experience in NYC” – has been revealed today, with their signage being put up:

The place will be open 7 days a week, from 11am to midnight. No menu up yet, but in addition to lots of chicken, here’s a taste of what else they’ll offer, from their site:
You think the chicken is the best part of this? Think again…we cook our roasted potatoes just like in France…on the rotisserie machine and just below the chickens. In addition we have created a range of seasonal sides from Green Bean Casserole w/Shitake Mushrooms & Fried Shallots to Baked Curried Caulifower w/Herbed Bread Crumbs, brussel sprouts, ratatouille and much more! For dessert we offer a daily selection of tarts, fruit salad or wild berry crumble.
With Golden Chicken & Ribs recently becoming a produce market, chicken lovers will soon have a new place to call home.
Update: DNAinfo have some more info about the place, and got an interview with the owners.