Posts Tagged Closures

  1. Roseland Ballroom closing in April

    Wow. The massive venue Roseland (filling a good half of the block of 52nd-​53rd between 8th Ave and Broadway) is closing down for good in April of 2014, according to emails obtained by Billboard, and later confirmed.

    The entrance to Roseland
    Source: Gregory S/​Foursquare

    While most people just know of Roseland as a concert venue, etc, is has a very long history in the city, dating back to its opening in 1922. Here’s the history of the venue, and some info about its significance, to get you up to speed.

    Roseland moved to its current location in 1956, and was bought by its current owner in 1981, who promised not to shut it down. Apparently money beats promises, given the pending closure.

    This is a pretty accurate summary, by Roger Friedman:

    It’s not like the cavernous Roseland on West 52nd St. isn’t busy. It’s used all the time for concerts, dances, and Broadway show openings. But the space must be coveted by real estate developers, Bloomberg’s favorite New Yorkers, for use as yet another skyscraper of condos with a CVS and large, anonymous restaurant in its base.

    It’s impossible to imagine that area without Roseland. At almost 60 years at that spot, it’s probably older than most of the people who even live in the area nowadays. For now, there’s still a number of events coming up at Roseland, so you’ve got a few opportunities to experience Roseland one last time, before the steady march of gentrification claims the venue.

    A concert being held at Roseland
    Source: David A/​Foursquare

Saturday, Oct 12th

  1. Zigolini’s gone for good?

    It looks like the pizza bar Zigolini’s on 9th Ave has joined the list of Fall closed restaurants. They haven’t been open for at least the past few days, and they’ve even taken their signage down from above the store:


    August 2013

    Doing a quick check, their Twitter and website are still up, but it looks like their Facebook page has been deleted.

    It’s been a rough few months for Zigolini’s  they were shuttered by the health department for a week back in August, then closed for a bit during September for renovations. Their former neighbor Phở 66 also closed this year, and no new tenant have taken their place yet, so this strip will start looking a bit bare with Zigolini’s gone too.

Wednesday, Oct 9th

  1. Kiran Indian Cuisine joins the list of closures

    Another day, another closure. Kiran Indian Cuisine, just west of 53rd & 9th, looks like it’s shuttered its doors. Some of their furniture was dumped on the sidewalk over the past few days, and their usually-​bright lights haven’t been on lately.

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    The spot has had its ups and downs, including scoring a C on their health inspection earlier this year (which was later upgraded to an A). Regardless of what’s in store for this place in the future, we’ll be interested to see if their year-​round-​Christmas lights stay up.

Monday, Oct 7th

  1. Farewell to Chanpens

    Fall really is the season of change. Along with the numerous new places opening in the coming months, there’s also a couple of closures that have appeared suddenly. The latest one to join this group is Chanpens, a Thai restaurant at the corner of W 51st St & 9th Ave, as spotted by nearby neighbor George Stoll.

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    They’ve already cleared out all the furniture from the store:

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    Chanpens closure was almost in sync with across-​the-​intersection neighbor Go Sushi, who also shuttered in the last week. Any more and we’ll have a trend. Fortunately there’s no shortage of Thai food on 9th Ave, so it shouldn’t be too hard for regulars to find a new place to get your pad thai fix. Nothing will be able to beat that super modern signage though.

    Thanks George!

Sunday, Oct 6th

  1. Go Sushi closed, Vynl takeover imminent?

    Go Sushi, on the corner of 51st & 9th, has closed its doors. The place had been open for over 8 years, with its bright neon signage always standing out.

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    It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like this is the first step of Vynl’s big move one store over. Back in the start of June we noticed the application submitted by Vynl to make the move into Go Sushi’s spot, but until now nothing had come of it.

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    We’ll be watching the spot closely to see what happens now. In the mean time, memories:

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    June 2013

Monday, Sep 30th

  1. River Side Deli can’t catch a break: closed by health department

    River Side Deli, on the corner of 44th & 10th, has been closed for renovations for months now, with little sign of progress or life from the store.

    Now, as if the multiple months of closure already wasn’t bad enough, they’ve somehow managed to be closed by the health department…without even being open:

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    It’ll be interesting to see where they go from here, and how this closure will impact their renovation plans.

Monday, Sep 16th

Monday, Aug 26th

Saturday, Aug 24th

  1. Luna Sur Closed Temporarily?

    Luna Sur, the Latin bistro near the corner of 53rd & 9th, has been closed for the past few nights:

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    The spot had noise complaints filed against them back in June, so were on the docket for the community board meeting. Apparently the complaints had been addressed though, so it could be unrelated.

    They were also starting a new “Fierce Fridays” promotion on Friday, but ended up being closed, so this has been a very sudden closure.

Monday, Aug 19th

  1. Farewell Kati House

    Well there you go. As discovered by Midtown Lunch, The Kati House on 36th is closed for good. They were shuttered for alcohol violations a few weeks back, but during that time the health department apparently came to have a look, and what they found wasn’t good:

    When the police and marshals closed it down, the DoH wanted to come back and take a look. Still powered on at time of inspection, the fridges were way too warm and mold was found within some foods. As in it was apparently stirred into ingredients. The gauges? Not functional. Ewww.

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    Midtown lunch has more if you’re interested, but it sounds like it’s probably best for everyone that they’re moving on.

Saturday, Aug 10th

Thursday, Aug 1st

Friday, Jun 14th

  1. El Azteca Closed

    El Azteca, the popular Mexican restaurant/​bar on 9th Ave just north of 52nd St, was shut down recently by the Department of Health:

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    The restaurant’s decided to make the most of the situation, however, and has decided to renovate the interior. It’s only been three days, and they’re already deep into the refitting.

    They’ve had a pretty rough history in past health inspections, with a number of violations, but the closure was a first.

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    Here’s hoping they’re back up and running soon, with the health “issues” fixed.

Wednesday, Jun 12th

Sunday, Jun 9th

  1. Columbus Library Branch Closed

    The Columbus Public Library branch on 10th Avenue temporarily closed last week, to begin upgrades to their HVAC system.

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    The branch doesn’t expect to be open again until September 3 months. The nearest locations  for those so inclined  are the Riverside Library at 65th & Amsterdam, the Donnell Library on W 53rd St between 5th & 6th Ave, and the main branch at Bryant Park.

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